Sunday, February 4, 2007

It happened.

Well, I've been running ragged for about a month now, and it finally happened. It finally caught up with me and I got sick. I know, it's against the rules for Mom to get sick. But, I did. I ended up in bed sleeping for a day and a half. I wish it had felt luxurious...I just felt bad. The only good thing that came out of this virus...I lost those stubborn Christmas pounds. I told M's first grade teacher that I was going on the "Stomach Flu Every Four Months" weight loss plan. I think I could write a book.
Because of my brief illness, my life has settled a bit from the frenetic to simply hectic. Our washing machine broke last weekend, so to the laundry mat I got to go. It was nice, I must admit, to get approximately two days worth of laundry done in 2 1/2 hours. But, it is nice having the washing machine at home too. I do laundry once a week, so it really piles up. I've tried what all the moms of bigger families tell do at least a load a night, but, goodness, who has time for that? When I was a stay at home mom (domestic goddess I heard the other day...) I had a great strategy. Monday was the kids laundry day, Tuesday My One Tru Love and me, and then Wednesday was incidentals, towels, sheets, blankets, whatever. But, now that I'm working....yeah right.
I'm supposed to go to a Super Bowl party with My One Tru Love today. Did I mention that I have pretty much zero interest in football? I tried to get out of it, but I think he is trying to assuage the guilt he feels for going to so many Super Bowl parties without me when we were first married. I am over it...but apparently he isn't...since he has wanted me to come with him and won't go without me. It's kind of sweet.
October 10 I get the joy of celebrating my 15th wedding anniversary with My One Tru Love. He is leaving for Idaho the Sunday before that, so I will be celebrating on the 10th solo...but I just recently found out that his parents have decided that this anniversary is a big deal. So, they want to throw a big party for us. I am NOT, I repeat NOT the center of attention kind of girl. Neither My One Tru Love nor myself are. It is slightly annoying to me to be the center of attention. I don't like the pressure, I don't like all eyes on me, etc. I appreciate the idea that they want to celebrate our long (by today's standards) marriage, but I'm thinking the bigger celebration should have been that I stayed married to him that first year...when he was an incredibly insensitive, self centered jerk. Our first year married was hellish at best. We added a baby right away, and we were 21. He was totally self absorbed and did nothing (I mean nothing) for anyone but himself. It was a tough year. I went through so many changes, from my name, and address, to my body style and my body chemistry, to my brain...when I became a mom. I was no longer the person I used to know. It was confusing and frustrating and ever so painful. We made it through that, and I really think that was more to celebrate than a silly 15 year anniversary.
I guess I'll do whatever I have to to keep the peace regarding this possible soiree. But, I can't say it is anything I truly desire. MOTL wants to have a family dinner, which sounds OK. I want to go to a local Bed and Breakfast and spend a luxurious night of (?) fun. We'll see what happens.

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