Monday, June 25, 2007

Rambling about nothing

Camping went OK. I can't say it was buckets of fun...but we saw a bear! It was really cool. I hadn't seen a bear in the wild since I was about 8, and in New Mexico. We saw it run across the logging road we were on just a little out of Cherry Hill near Butte Meadows. It was really very beautiful.
I don't have much to say about the camping though. I don't want to start complaining.
Today I started to exercise. I HATE exercising. But, I have been wanting to tone up my muscles just so I don't feel so jiggly, so I decided to start the Couch to 5 K program. I tried to start last week with T, but he had a melt down, so I restarted today. I was supposed to run for 60 seconds and then walk for 90 seconds and do that for 20 minutes! Yeah right. I am so out of shape! I could only run for about 45 seconds, then I'd walk for about 2 minutes then try again. I realized that this is going to be more work than I anticipated, but I feel great. So, tomorrow, I am going to walk, fairly easy walk, for 30 minutes. Then Wednesday start up the run/walk combo.
We are beginning our third week of summer, and I have yet to do anything fun with the kids. Maybe next week or the following week. My One Tru Love has been ever so busy. We went camping for Father's Day, then he was gone this last weekend, and next weekend he is taking T and C and my adopted son R (really a neighbor boy who practically lives here and calls me mom) camping for the weekend. Then the following weekend I believe he has plans...
He also is doing a side job for a friend of a friend, and will be gone most of the week after he gets off of work. I love being with my kids, don't get me wrong, but it would be really nice if I could get a break from the fighting, "I'm bored" and "Mom, what can I do to earn money around the house?"
So, I scrubbed the shower this morning, after my walk/run. Now my arms are sore, from the scrubbing. But, my shower is clean...let me tell you, living with a mechanic and having to clean the shower after him is a CHORE! So, I got that done. I have been trying to keep up on the laundry and the housework since school is out. So far so good. If I can get into a good habit then maybe I can keep this place somewhat orderly once school starts back up.


Tricia said...
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Tricia said...

Let's try that again... I'm voting for run for 10 seconds, walk for 10 minutes- repeat. Maybe I could even do that!